Electrical Thermography & Electrical Thermal Study
At Phoenix Contracting Services, we always try to keep up with the current electrical trends and electrical tools to assist our customers in preventive maintenance.
When electrical equipment fails under normal or abnormal operating conditions, heat is usually associated with the equipment/material prior to its failure. A tool that captures heat and then display its temperature parameters in a picture format is called a thermal camera. These cameras reveal temperature differences(deltas) in material and equipment in real time.
An electrical thermographer is the operator of the camera. The thermographer uses the camera and software to produce a report that displays various color pallets defining temperature deltas that aid in the detection of potential equipment failures that might not be visible to the naked eye.
Electrical Thermography is becoming a very powerful and effective electrical resource for reducing costs in electrical repairs. Thermography is now listed in the NEC 70 B (Recommended Practice for Electric Preventive Maintenance) as a procedure in aiding the preventive maintenance practice in the electrical work place.
Electrical Thermal cameras are quickly becoming a tool of choice for the electrical industry in preventive maintenance programs overseen by facility managers/owners who want to identify potential electrical risks prior to failure.